The Blue Revolution

Why we need a global democracy to create climate justice. And how we can achieve it.

Re-invent the world? Yes, because we can’t go on this way. It is time to build up a new sensible world order. “The Blue Revolution” outlines how a global democracy will solve the problems of our time and how we can achieve this global democracy.

This “Blue Revolution” will overcome the climate crisis, establish global justice and women’s rights and it will eliminate the consequences of colonialism. Apart from a global democracy we also need a new economic system which defines minimal wages, standards for decent working conditions and compensates care work. The way is not easy, but we can take it step by step. “The Blue Revolution” illustrates methods how people can set off a worldwide peaceful revolution.

“The Blue Revolution” quotes numerous activists, intellectuals, and cultural workers from all over the world and proves that a sustainable and peaceful world is not a utopia. By doing so “The Blue Revolution” provides a solid foundation for intensive discussions that aim at making the world a better place.



The Author

Peter Staub, (*1962) grew up in Olten. Since the age of 18 has dedicated himself to a future with more democracy, less wars and a sustainable and fair world. He worked as a roofer, taxi driver, journalist, and trade union secretary.  He currently heads the marketing und communication department of a national self-help organisation for the handicapped.

(Photo: Alain Sermet)